
Friday, December 4, 2009

All Done!

I added my last week’s Sew & Tell post late, but I’m on time this week – wahoo! Now I can cross one thing off my huge to-do list. This week’s Sew & Tell is my finished quilt from the Scrappy Christmas Block Swap I participated in with Wendy, Rebecca, and Jodi. (hosted by Modern Jax)
I received two blocks from each talented quilter, added 14 of my own and sashed them with some Kona Snow to get this: (my little helper is so happy to be a part of the photo. He asked me not to edit him out.)

The binding is a green dot – I originally wanted to bind it in the same green stripe that I used on the Elf Hats quilt, but these dots did a better job of adding to the scrappyness of the quilt without being so distracting.

Back in October I wrote a post about my debate over how to do the backing. I received a lot of helpful advice and ended up deciding to do this:

I love how it turned out, and this lovely new addition to my quilt stack has found a home on my sofa until January. Or maybe February.


  1. What a sweet quilt.

  2. Wow it came out so pretty. The backing is very cool too. I think you can leave it out as long as you want. This way you'll have a little bit of Christmas through out the year.

    Your son has a great smile :o)

  3. The quilt is fantastic! The binding fabric is great. I love dots. The model is a cutie.

  4. This is so neat. I love a great finish, front and back!

  5. this is awesome. i did not think i wanted a christmas quilt but this is making me change my mind.

  6. Oh, I love this quilt! I am a huge fan of log cabins. So festive and cheery! Great job. Happy Holidays!

  7. Fantastic! I was in that swap, too, and my block sets just did not go together (although they are making great table runners, etc). Your is wonderful. Congratulations on getting it done THIS Christmas!

  8. Beautiful! Fun to see my blocks in such a pretty quilt, love how you put them together. Mine all go together great, but don't think I'll get to them in time for this Christmas -

  9. Love the quilt and the backing looks fantastic - great work.

  10. Great quilt!!! The front and the back are both awesome. Love the green polka dot binding. Thanks for sharing.

  11. adorable! and I looove your binding.

  12. This is so cute! I need to get in on that swap next year! I would love to make a Christmas quilt!
