
Friday, January 22, 2010

I Dream in Red, Green & Black

Lately I've been working on my string block quilt in the evenings after the kiddos are asleep. I'll work right up until my bedtime (and sometimes past it!) So it's no surprise that I end up dreaming about quilting, quilting and more quilting. Last night I woke myself up because my dreams were driving me crazy.

So far I have 83 blocks done though...

and only about 30 more to go! These are the paper squares with the red center stripe all glued and ready to go. I keep this stack on my sewing table...

...and my bin of strips underneath my ironing board. So even if I just have 10 minutes I can sit and get at least one block done.

Just for fun, I brought some of my completed blocks upstairs and played around with the layout. Here are some variations you can do with a simple string block:

(When pieced together in a quilt top, these would end up being the same - it's just a different way to piece the blocks together)

Diagonal Stripes

A Chevron Pattern

Vertical Stripes (I would trim the edges off)

In the end, I prefer this:

Although, with different fabric choices, some of the options above would be very cool. Here's a link to the string block tutorial that I used.

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