Monday, October 22, 2012

Autumn Blooms + a giveaway

One of my most recent finishes is this Autumn Blooms quilt.  I have a tutorial for this quilt over on Riley Blake’s Cutting Corners College today!  See the tutorial here 

March 2023 edited to add: the tutorial is no longer available, but you can access the free PDF downloadable pattern here. 

Autumn Blooms - a free quilt pattern from A Bright Corner

The colors along our river trail are so pretty right now – we had to take a little walk yesterday to enjoy them.  I’ll be so sad when all of the leaves have fallen from the trees.  A little piece of me dies when the snow starts to fall! 

Autumn Blooms - a free quilt pattern from A Bright Corner

The quilt finished at about 59” x 67”.  In my opinion, it’s the perfect reading-a-good-book-in-winter size quilt.  I’m a little sad that I’m not keeping this one.  It’s going to soon be heading to the home of one of my favorite people. 

Autumn Blooms - a free quilt pattern from A Bright Corner

For the quilting I did one of my favorites – small loops scattered throughout a loose all-over meandering.  It flows so nicely as I’m doing the quilting and the finished look is nice and soft.

autumn blooms quilting

I’m really such a fan of this Marguerite line.  It’s so feminine and pretty!  I’m not normally big on yellow, but I’m really in love with this red/yellow combination. 

Wanna make an Autumn Blooms quilt for yourself?  How ‘bout a giveaway to get you started? 

I have a stack of 9 fat quarters all from the Marguerite line ready to mail to one of you lucky readers!

marguerite giveaway 2

ready for the details?

It’s simple – there’s one way to enter- become a follower of my blog and leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite season is.  That’s it!  The winner will be drawn next Tuesday (October 30th)

Giveaway is closed - thank you!

Meanwhile, you can view, download and print the pattern here at this link.  
Pattern for personal use only please! 

Autumn Blooms - a free quilt pattern from A Bright Corner


  1. Beautiful quilt! And I love your simple quilting. Better get ready for that snow . . . I think it's coming tonight. ;) My favorite season is spring . . . after a long winter, it feels good to wake up and come out of hibernation. Fall is a close second because of all the colors. Thanks for the chance.

  2. I follow your blog via google reader. Does that count??

    My favourite season is summer. I tend to be cold a lot so I have a hard time with fall and winter!!

  3. The quilt is lovely and I'll have to try your simple meander/loop quilting myself. Looks like one I could handle. I love fall when the weather finally cools down here in So. California. We've had more than enough heat this year. Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Forgot -- yes I have been a follower for quite some time now. Thanks again!

  5. I'm a new follower, but you've been in my reader for awhile. I grew up in Long Beach, so Summer is my favorite season.

  6. My Favorite season is Spring!! Your quilt is quite cute. Thanks for the chance to win such lovely fabrics.

  7. I am a follower of your blog on Google Reader. My favorite season is spring when everything is coming to life again.

  8. I have just become a follower. I love the colors in your latest quilt. I'm also in awe of your walking trail.

  9. I love your quilt and I'm glad I found your blog - I've become a follower and can't wait to check out all of your completed quilts - that is some amazing list :)
    my favourite seasons are spring and autumn - I can't decide between them :)

  10. I'm a follower! Love the quilt and my favorite season is fall. I'm sad that it is going away so fast!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I'm a follower! My favourite season is Summer- all those long hot days!

  13. Winter is my favorite season because of lambing and down time from summer chores. I despise summer.

  14. I am already a follower and enjoy it! My favorite season is fall....everything about it, the colors, the smells, good hair days because of no heat and humidity...just love it!

  15. I am a follower and fall is my favorite season. Love the crisp feel in the air :-) Beautiful quilt - thanks for the chance to win.

  16. I'm a follower via Google Reader. My favorite season is winter. I love curling up inside with a book under a quilt and just enjoying the coziness. :-)

  17. I am a new follower via email and I LOVE LOVE the fall. I would love to win these fat quarters and if I did....I would make that quilt :) Thanks! Jennifer Collier (

  18. I'm already a follower and I LOVE Fall :) The leaves, Thanksgiving, pumpkin everything - it's so wonderful!

  19. Autumn is my favorite!! Love the crisp air and the deep muted colors.

  20. I have been following you here now for about 2 years . I love, love, love the fall or Autumn the colors are simply breath taking driving in the canyons and etc.

  21. I love your new quilt pattern and will definitely make this! Autumn is my favorite season especially after a long, hot summer! I'm a follower. :o)

  22. Not just a follower, I'm a neighbor and friend (LUCKY ME!). I like winter but by March I'm usually ready for the warmer, longer days.

  23. I love new quilt tutorials. I am going to have to make this. Thanks. I am a follower.

  24. Im a follower! Love your blog, and im loving this fall weather. Its my favorite season!!

  25. Following! Winter, yes, it's winter. Embrace the snow! Skiing and shoveling are two of my fav activities. Call me crazy.

  26. I follow you through Google Reader/RSS feed.

    Autumn is my favorite season! I like the way it smells and I like the leaves changing color, and I like the cooler weather. :)

  27. Pretty fabric and quilt! I follow you via Google reader.

  28. Winter yeah for Winter and Snow! I already follow, love this quilt! Thanks!

  29. I'm a follower via google email. And my favorite season is spring. Thanks for the opportunity. I love your quilt!

  30. Wow! Love that fabric! My favorite is fall....and I follow on Google Reader:-)

  31. Lovely quilt. I'm a new GFC follower, but I've previously been a subscriber to your blog. My favorite season is Autumn - love the warm days, cool nights, college football. Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. I am a follower of your blog from Italy. My favorite season is spring. thanks for the chance to win!

  33. So Beautiful Andy! I first saw it on RB cutting corners- congrats on that! I'm a huge fan of Autumn, perfect temperatures, falling leaves, football, and curling up in cozy quilts!

  34. That quilt is gorgeous and the fabric choise amazing! thanks for sharing it and for the chance to win, I am your new follower!

  35. Love your quilt. And, fittingly, autumn is my favourite season. Your photo reminds me why.

  36. I just signed up to follow your blog - found it because of your tutorial. Maybe summer is my favorite, with the garden produce and long days.

  37. I follow your blog and am in awe of all that you do. I am a begigging quilter and would love to bring these warm colors into my living area in my next quilt. I happen to love Fall also, especially decorating and doing crafts with my kiddos.

  38. Loved your new quilt tutorial! Have to say that I LOVE summer! Loved having the kids home, sunny days at the pool, and relaxed schedules.

  39. I hate to say it - winter is my favourite!

  40. I am a new follower but saw you on Facebook with Riley Blake your quilt and I love, love, summer! Although I love all the change seasons bring and make the best of each season! Nice giveaway....beautiful quilt design...easy!

  41. What a pretty quilt - I LOVE the color combo too. You certainly do have a lovely fall scene there. FALL is my absolute favorite season. It is almost dangerous for me to drive around because I am gawking at the beauty of the trees. LOL! I am a follower of your blog. :)

  42. Hi! I just found you doing a google search for Marguerite. Talk about getting sidetracked! Lol! I subscribed! I hope I win!

  43. Fall is definitely my favorite time of year. I love the changing leaves and the cooler weather.

  44. Fall is the best! A welcome respite from the blazing heat of summer and the anticipation of Thanksgiving and Christmas!
    Thanks for the give-away!

  45. Spring is my favorite. I love when all the flowers and plants all come back to life!

  46. I am a new follower via GFC. I enjoyed your post and tutorial at RBD and had already bookmarked it as a good pattern for me to use. The quilt is just so pretty! Thanks for the giveaway too! This is the first quilt I've seen in blog world using this line of fabrics.

  47. What a beautiful quilt and a beautiful setting for taking your picture!! I am now a follower of your blog!:) My favorite season is fall- the trees have been gorgeous here in Ohio too! Thanks for such a great giveaway!!

  48. This fabric is so pretty. Perfect for the fall - my favourite season, of course!

  49. I am a new follower although I've been visiting for a while. Thanks for the chance to win!

  50. I follow you and I love this fabric! Thank you for the giveaway! I really love both Spring and Fall, I can't decide between the two. I think it's because they tranistion us from extreme heat or cold. They're both lovely and mild.

  51. I found your blog from Riley Blake Designs - Cutting Corners, I am so excited, love all of your quilts. I'm going to make one soon. Thank you so much for sharing your quilt and detailed instructions.

    Fall is my favor season! I used to live in the North, when the Autumn arrives, the fire red and bright sunny yellow leaves on the tree, my God, they are just stunning. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday too, that's why I love Autumn.

  52. I just became a follower, and spring is my favorite season ... The days warm up and everything turns green!

  53. Your quilts are gorgeous!
    My favorite season is fall; there is nothing prettier in this world than the changing leaves. :)
    I'm following you!
    Thanks for the opportunity to get started on this quilt!

  54. I'm a new follower; however, I love your bright and delightful quilts. I love Fall and decorate a lot using reds, yellows, black, and some green. It's warm and inviting. Thanks for sponsoring this great giveaway that I would love to win.

  55. I"m a new follower. I'm excited to see more of your quilts! I love your quilts.

  56. I'm a new follower! That quilt is so bright and beautiful - I love the loops!
    soluckyducky at gmail dot com


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