
Friday, October 24, 2014

Scrappy Pumpkin table runner

Halloween is just a week away!  Every year I tell myself I’m going to pull out my Halloween décor the first week of October but then when the time comes, I don’t.  I just can’t bring myself to admit that it’s fall.  So here we are, on Oct 24th and not a bit of Halloween to be seen in my house!  Well, we do have two pumpkins on our front porch but that’s about it. 

So because of my Halloween décor procrastination, I decided to make a table runner that will work for both Halloween and Thanksgiving.  That way, I can use it now and leave it for another month.  Win/win.

Scrappy Pumpkin table runner tutorial

This Scrappy Pumpkin table runner is a tutorial today over on the Therm O Web Blog (click on the photo to go to the tutorial).  It’s a great way to use up some of those scraps!  My orange scrap bin was a little lacking so I had to cut into my orange stash too.

To make the pumpkins there is a printable page as a part of the tutorial and you can just print that on to three sheets of HeatnBond EZ Print sheets straight from your computer’s printer.  Pretty nifty.  You CAN use regular HeatnBond Lite, but by using the EZ Print sheets you can skip the tracing step – my least favorite part of using fusible webbing. 

Scrappy Pumpkin Table Runner tutorial

I made this to fit on my little blue bookcase in my dining room.  I have a hard time deciding just what to put there sometimes. 

Scrappy binding

I think my favorite part of the runner is the scrappy binding!

scrappy pumpkin art

As I was first designing the table runner, I made one test block with a print as the background instead of the solid white.  I loved it so much I put it in a frame!  That background print is from the Flutter line of fabric designed by The Quilted Fish for Riley Blake.

Well, I guess I’d better go and get the rest of my Halloween decorations and just admit that it’s the end of October!


  1. Page not found on all the scrappy tutorial links. i'll try again later! :-)

    1. Thanks for letting me know Lee Ann! I have now fixed them :)

  2. Darling! I love it. Reminds me of the Sprouts table runner, which, I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't made!:( yet.

  3. It's just darling! Have fun at Market ; )

  4. Beautiful ....THANK YOU bunches 🙂

  5. Andy: is the HeatnBond lite EZ print found in any stores? I've called several and can't find it.

    1. Hi Di!
      I've seen it before at Walmart and JoAnn but it's been awhile and I haven't looked lately. Amazon does have it, as well as As an alternative, you could print out the shapes onto a regular sheet of paper and then trace them with a pencil onto regular Heat n Bond Lite or featherlite.
