Friday, January 30, 2015

Taking Stock

I’m not much of a New Year’s Resolutions type of girl.  In years past, the thought of setting a few goals that would apply to the entire year was just too overwhelming.  Either I would aim too high in my goals and then never reach them, or reach too low and achieve them by March.  Neither was an effective way of using the whole “resolution” idea, right?  So now my goal writing happens on a weekly basis.  After searching and searching (and testing and trying) I finally found an app/website that helps me keep my to-do list and goals organized.  And I must say that it has helped me tremendously!

WIP stack

It’s called Todoist and it’s an app AND a website – so I can access it from my phone and my computer.  My favorite part about it?  There’s these little check boxes by each item so I still get the satisfaction of checking something off when it’s complete.  So.  Satisfying. 

I also love that I can break down a larger project – say for spring cleaning the house, or writing a new pattern – into smaller, more approachable tasks. 

Here’s what else is great – I can put things in categories.  For instance, I have a “sewing & piecing” category.  So if I set aside an afternoon for some sewing, I refer to that category for the things that need to be done.  And likewise, if I decide I need to sit at the computer one morning and get some design work done, I can take a look at my “design” category to see the design tasks that are waiting their turn.  Pretty nifty. 

WIP stack

Alright.  So I didn’t intend for this blog post to become a commercial for Todoist.  I just wanted to show you my pile of quilts and backings that are waiting their turn to be quilted. 

This week I’ve been making a complete list of my WIPS (works in progress) and stacking them together depending on the state they’re in.  These are all 6 of the quilts & backs that are ready for quilting.  I have another small stack of quilts waiting for their backings.  One quilt needs a binding, and a few quilts are just a rough stack of blocks right now.  It helps me to have projects grouped like that- similar to the categories I use for Todoist.  So now if I decide one day to get some long arm quilting done, the quilts and backings are right there ready to go!

WIP stack

Time to get some of these projects done! How’s your WIP stack coming along?  Do you set quilty goals for yourself?


  1. I find it amusing that from the colorway of that pile, the whole stack could be one quilt! There are a lot of greens, yellows and whites in there.

    I have to find a way to organise myself, so seeing what other people do is always great. Maybe someday I'll find a method that I can stick to!

  2. That is an impressive stack of WIPs. I like the way you have the backings ready to go and just select a project to quilt.


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