Monday, February 9, 2015

A Little Needle Book

After tackling some larger projects lately, I just felt like doing a little bit of small sewing.  So this weekend I made myself a little needle book.  I used the tutorial written by Amy Sinibaldi (Nana Company) – it’s a great one!

needle book

For the front cover I did a simple single hexagon that’s been topstitched in place.  It’s just okay.  It works.  But the back of the needle book is what I’m in love with!

needle book

The back is made of 12 (1.5”) little squares.  They’re sewed together into a tiny patchwork piece.

needle book

I don’t do a lot of small sewing but when I do I’m completely smitten by it.  Small things are just adorable. 

Needle book

Inside the book I have four “pages” to hold needles and pins.  I’ll add the rest of my needles when I get around to it, but for now I have just my favorites in there.  

needle book

That one needle on the right?  That’s my favorite binding needle.  She’s helped me bind countless quilts.  She’s fast and just the right size.  She and I work really well together.  I should give her a nickname.  What’s that you say?  It’s weird to name needles?  Ok never mind then. 
  needle book

This was a fun little project for me.  It was nice to do something different than my usual quilt tops.  I think I'll be making a few more needle books in the near future.  These would make such a nice little gift!


  1. THIS IS SO VERY CUTE AND ADORABLE!!!! I have to go find someone to so me one. THIS WHAT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR----wish somebody would teach me to sew

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's adorable! I've always wanted one but haven't ever gotten around to making one. Thanks for the tutorial. I love yours - inside and out!

  4. Thank you for sharing..simply so sweet!

  5. If it is weird, and I'm not sure it is, it is weird in the best possible way. Go for it! ☺️


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