
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Dutch Label Shop Review + Discount Code

I did something a couple of weeks ago that I've been wanting to do for years.  Years people.  I ordered some custom woven labels. 

With each quilt I make I have intentions of adding a pretty label to the back with the name of the quilt and the date completed.  But out of ALL of the quilts I've made over the past decade only a handful have ever had a label.

A few weeks ago Dutch Label Shop contacted me about trying out a batch of labels and I jumped at the chance. 

At first I was a little overwhelmed at all of my options... What style should I choose?  What size do I need?  Should I use my logo or just my name?  I thought about it for a day or so and then just dove right in.  Because I'm one of those that could stay in the decision making mode for weeeeeks if I let myself.   :)

Dutch Label Shop review by Andy of A Bright Corner

Here is what I decided on in the end - woven logo labels with a center fold.  I uploaded a PDF of my logo and then began customizing. 

Dutch Label Shop review by Andy of A Bright Corner

As a side note, there is also an option to do a basic woven label with just text on it and no fold.  These will cost less and come with a sew-on or iron-on option.  You can customize the label color, text color, font, and even add a little symbol - like a button, or spool of thread. 

For the customized woven logo labels, this is what the ordering screen looks like.  You can see all of the tag options shown, followed by the size selection, and below that the color selection area.

 Dutch Label Shop review by Andy of A Bright Corner

The more you order, the less you pay per label. It's tempting to order a lot, but I would recommend first deciding how you'll use your labels and how often.  I know I'll be using my labels mostly on quilts (not pillows or other small projects) so it should take me a couple of years to use these 50 labels.  And by then, I might want a different style or color! 

The price of the labels depends on the size, colors, etc. you chose.  My labels were 50 for $55 which works out to $1.10 each.  But yours will be different so I recommend just heading to their site and start designing!  The price breakdown for your design is near the bottom of the screen and as you make changes you can scroll down to see how it altered the price.

Quilt label from Dutch Label Shop

I ordered my labels to be 1.5" wide with a fold at the bottom, and 1/4" space at the top so I can sew the tag into a seam and not lose any of the logo (so total size is 1.5" x 3.5" unfolded). 

Quilt label from Dutch Label Shop

Here's a look at the inside of the label.  I chose to add the double white feature which makes it so the dark threads aren't as noticeable from the front of the tag.  The fabric of the tag itself is a good quality - not thin, and durable enough to last as long as the quilt itself.  I'm really pleased with the quality.

Dutch Label Shop review

When the labels arrived in the mail I lost no time in going back to add one to my most recently finished quilt.  It was easy to just unpick a bit of the binding, insert the tag and then re-stitch the binding again.

I found the ordering process to be simple and straightforward.  The only drawback I found was that I was limited to only 7 colors (which is actually a lot!) but my original logo uses 8 colors.  After thinking about it a bit I realized that an 8-color tag would perhaps draw more attention than I wanted it to and a simple 1-color version would be better.

If you'd like to try your hand at making some custom quilt labels the Dutch Label Shop is offering a 15% off discount to all of my readers.  Start designing your label here at the Dutch Label Shop and then enter the code andyknowlton15 when you check out! The code will expire on April 1, 2019.

And let me know if you have any questions - I'd be happy to answer them!
Happy sewing,


  1. Lovely review! Thanks for sharing! You were so detailed and the pictures and ordering screen were a great help! 😁

  2. Thanks for coupon code Andy. Just placed my order and am expecting a great product based on reviews

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