Monday, September 1, 2014

Quilt Block Tutorial–The Scrappy Susannah

Today I'm sharing with you a fun, scrappy block called Scrappy Susannah.  This block is a fantastic way to use up some scraps since all of the needed squares are either 3.5” or 4.25”.  Here’s the tutorial!

**edited to add:  A printable version of these instructions is now available here as a PDF!**

Scrappy Susannah Quilt Block tutorial 1a

For one (12.5") block you’ll need:
  • 8 (3.5”) print squares
  • 4 (3.5”) white or background squares
  • 2 (4.25”) print squares
  • 2 (4.25”) white or background squares

block tutorial 1

1.  On the two (4.25”) white squares, draw a diagonal line or fold in half and finger press.

block tutorial 2

2.  Place each 4.25” white square right sides together with a 4.25” print square.  
Sew about 1/4” on both sides of the drawn line.

block tutorial 3

3.  Cut along the drawn line to make two half square triangles (HST).

block tutorial 4

4.  Open HSTs, press and trim each HST to be 3.5”

block tutorial 5

5.  Layout squares as shown.

block tutorial 6

6.  Using a 1/4” seam, sew squares into rows.  Press each row.
(I prefer to press seams open at this point)

block tutorial 7

7.  Sew rows together, matching seams, and press block.
Block should measure 12.5”

block tutorial 8

And there you have it!  Pretty easy, right?  
If you'd like to print out this tutorial for easy reference later, you can find a free downloadable PDF here.

If you make a Scrappy Susannah block I'd love to see it!  Tag me on Instagram (@abrightcorner) or Facebook.  Be sure to use the hashtag #scrappysusannahblock so we can all see what you've created!


  1. I really like the look of this block in the monochromatic scraps!

  2. This is such a fun block - thanks for sharing the tutorial!
    Julie @ The Crafty Quilter

  3. Thanks for the lovely tutorial on this block! It will be on my "to do " list now!

  4. Really good blogs are not "running the streets", but here I found today what I have been looking for.


    Block Printed Quilts

  5. Is there a picture of a completed quilt using this block anywhere?

    1. Hi Sally - I just wrote a blog post showing some different options using this block. You can see it here:

  6. I really enjoy the scrappy version of this quilt a lot rather than the other versions. Also the brighter colors seem to make it stand out better too. Thanks for sending. REally a good design.

  7. Love this block! Thank you for sharing. I'm going back through your blog posts over the last few months. You've been a busy girl and made some gorgeous quilts!

  8. Interested to see what several together look like!

  9. Thank you for sharing! I'm using your block for Kat's Covered In Love Quilt Block Drive!

  10. Wow! I just found your easy block and I am excited to make it. I too found this block through Kat's Covered In Love Block Drive.

  11. Love it! Thank you for sharing!💝

  12. When making a large quilt would one use the same layout and separate by borders?

    1. Hi Martha
      You could add sashing between blocks, or add outer borders, or just make as many blocks as you'd need for the size you'd like!

  13. If you make strips of 3.5 inches do you cut you strips 3.5 sorry maybe a stupid question it’s my first Quilt .

    1. If you're cutting fabric from yardage (instead of using scraps), cut a strip that is 3.5" x width of fabric. Then cut that strip into 3.5" squares. Does that help? Let me know if I can clarify anything else!

  14. Gee what a great weekend easy quilt,handy for charity quilts. Thanks

  15. What happened that I do not see any more tutorials since June 15/2020? Thank you, Nilda


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