Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Quick Four Patch Tutorial + Vintage Keepsakes Fabric

Edited to add:  Looking for the Framed Four Patch PDF quilt pattern?  Sign up for my newsletter here to receive the PDF pattern delivered right to your inbox.  You'll also be the first to hear about new pattern releases and sales, and have access to tips, tutorials, and behind-the-scenes fun!

Well hello there!  How is your January going?  Have you started any new, fun projects yet this year?  I've been catching up on some Splendid Sampler blocks, and I finished up this Framed Four Patch quilt this week. 

Framed Four Patch Quilt pattern by Andy of A Bright Corner

I've really enjoyed sewing with these pretty Vintage Keepsakes prints (designed by Beverly McCullough for Riley Blake Designs)-- they're just so sweet!  I've been kind of in a glum mood lately and this aqua/red/pink color combo has really brought some life back into my much-neglected sewing room.

You can see more of the Vintage Keepsakes prints & projects here on Bev's blog. Don't you just love that gray doily print by the way? 

Vintage Keepsakes fabric found on A Bright Corner

My Framed Four Patch quilt is filled with four patch blocks (obviously *wink wink*).  The four-patch block is one of my go-to favorites!  I have a speedy way to make four patches and by using this method I can crank out a whole stack of blocks in no time - and it makes this quilt SO fast to finish!  

Framed Four Patch Quilt pattern by Andy of A Bright Corner

I'll show you how I do it!  First you'll need two strips of fabric that are the same size (for example, 3.5" x width of fabric)

Quick Four Patch Block Tutorial by Andy of A Bright Corner

Using a 1/4" seam, sew the two strips together along one long edge.  Press the seam open.  Lay the strip set on your cutting table and then cut into segments that are the same width as your original strips.  (So if you're starting with 3.5" wide strips, then cut the segments 3.5" wide.)

Quick Four Patch Block Tutorial by Andy of A Bright Corner

Here's a tip - before I start sewing strip sets together, I like to pair up my strips to I know I'll be getting a good variety of color pairings!

Vintage Keepsakes fabric found on A Bright Corner

Next you'll take two segments (from two different strip sets) and sew them together, matching the center seam.  

Quick Four Patch Block Tutorial by Andy of A Bright Corner

Press the seam to one side.

Quick Four Patch Block Tutorial by Andy of A Bright Corner

And there you go... one super-quick four patch block!

Quick Four Patch Block Tutorial by Andy of A Bright Corner

In just a short time you can whip up enough four patch blocks for a whole quilt 

Quick Four Patch Block Tutorial by Andy of A Bright Corner

There's a full, downloadable PDF pattern available for this Framed Four Patch quilt.  Sign up for the A Bright Corner newsletter here to get access to the PDF download- don't miss out!

Framed Four Patch Quilt pattern by Andy of A Bright Corner

The final Framed Four Patch quilt measures 54" x 69" and is backed in a cozy, gray polka dot flannel.  The quilting design is called Soho and it's one of my favorites.  It looks good on just about everything!

Framed Four Patch Quilt pattern by Andy of A Bright Corner

Be sure to add the image below to your quilting Pinterest board so you can find it later when you need it!  And if you haven't signed up for my newsletter yet, you can do that here.

Quick Four Patch Block Tutorial by Andy of A Bright Corner

Happy sewing everyone!

**This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission (at no additional cost to you) when purchases are made through links found in this post.


  1. Oh my goodness Andy! I'm so in love with your quilt!!!
    Thank you so much!

  2. I cant wait for the pattern! Love it!

  3. Thanks--what a simple beautiful quilt. Simple is good!

  4. Your quilt makes me smile; it's a "happy, feel-good" quilt@

  5. I’m new around here and I’m wondering when your newsletters usually go out? I think I’m going to use this pattern for my next baby’s quilt (due in July) and I’m wanting to get started. Glad I found your site. You have such cute quilts!

    1. Hi Shauna
      You should have received a welcome email from me right after subscribing, but I also include the link to download the pattern at the bottom of each newsletter. Let me know if you're still not seeing it!

  6. Hi Andy! Just wondering when the newsletter with the beautiful 4 patch quilt will be going out?

    1. Hi Elaine
      You should have received a welcome email from me right after subscribing, but I also include the link to download the pattern at the bottom of each newsletter. Let me know if you're still not seeing it!

  7. I cannot find the pattern! I have signed up for the newsletter but I know this was in an old newsletter. How can I locate a past newsletter to find the pattern?

    1. Hi Anna Marie and Kaye - sorry to hear you missed out on the pattern! If you send me an email at abrightcorner@gmail.com I'd be happy to get that sent out to you!

  8. Did you use fat quarters or from the bolt?

  9. Love this quilt especially for children and using my stash. Thanks.

  10. Where can I get the PDF of this quilt pattern? I have signed up for the newsletter . Thank you

    1. Immediately after signing up for the newsletter you should have received a welcome message from me that included the download link. I also include a download link for this pattern at the very bottom of each newsletter I send out so you can check there as well!

  11. Hi. I didn't get the newsletter, so couldn't access the pattern. Suggestions?

  12. Hi Marian - yes- send me an email (abrightcorner@gmail.com) and let me know and I'll get it to you!

  13. Can I have the link to the pattern?

  14. I'm so disappointed you don't ship to Australia :(

  15. I signed up-how do I get the full pattern?

  16. I signed up but cannot find link to pattern. How can I get it please ?

    1. Hi - the link will arrive in the first welcome email, which is sent immediately after signing up for the newsletter. If you don't see that email, maybe check your spam folder. You can always email me with questions as well - I'd be happy to help! abrightcorner (at) gmail (dot) com

  17. I have not received the newsletter so I don’t have access to the pattern😞

    1. Hey there - send me an email and we'll get it to you! abrightcorner@gmail.com

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Hi there! I signed up for the newsletter have not received a welcome email or a newsletter including the pattern. I see others have been given an email address but I'm opting not to email until I hear back from you.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    1. Hi - your comment is showing as "anonymous"....you'll have to send me an email (abrightcorner@gmail.com) and let me know who you are so we can figure out what the issue is. I'm guessing either there's a typo in your email address, or the email went to your "spam" or "promotions" folder. I'm happy to help - I just need a bit more info!

  20. Hello, I signed up for your newsletter but haven’t received the pdf link. Can you please send. I’m a newbie and I love this pattern for my first quilt. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Often the first email from a new address gets sent to spam. I'd be happy to send the PDF file to you but you'll need to email me first. Your comment came through as "anonymous".


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